General Information


D.E.O. ( S.E.) D.E.O. (E.E.) D.I.E.T. R.M.S.A. S.S.A.

S. No. Title From Date
1 List of material of math kit S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 30-05-2014
2 Regarding instructions math project S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 29-05-2014
3 Regarding math kits S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 26-05-2014
4 Regarding table quiz competition maths S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 15-05-2014
5 Regarding maths science postline test (6 to 8) S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 06-01-2014
6 Regarding remedial coaching S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 25-10-2013
7 Remedial coching for slow learners S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 10-10-2013
8 Regarding school monitoring format S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 01-10-2013
9 Very urgent: reg. remedial teaching of 9th class S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 30-09-2013
10 Defaulter list of schools not participating in block level paper folding competition of maths S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 24-09-2013
11 Regarding instruction paper folding/cutting and formulae establish and base line S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 31-08-2013
12 Duties regarding block level and distt level paper folding and establisment of formulae S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 24-08-2013
13 Regarding duties of math paper folding and cutting competition S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 23-08-2013
14 Performas baseline math science eval-1. S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 19-08-2013
15 Base line tools math,science S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 14-08-2013
16 Regarding questions of district level quiz competition S.S.A. (DRP (MATH)) 04-08-2013
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