General Information


D.E.O. ( S.E.) D.E.O. (E.E.) D.I.E.T. R.M.S.A. S.S.A.

S. No. Title From Date
1 Regarding block level spelling bee competition S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 15-07-2014
2 Spelling bee competition at school level S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 02-07-2014
3 Regarding giving project work (english) in holidays homework S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 30-05-2014
4 Reg. purchase of bilingual pocket dictionaries S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 31-03-2014
5 Revised: simplified material of english for the month of february 2014 S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 02-02-2014
6 Simplified material of english for the month of january and february 2014 S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 02-02-2014
7 Reminder instruction regarding english corner S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 03-01-2014
8 Regarding english corner establishment in schools S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 03-01-2014
9 Simplified material of english for the month of december 2013 S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 03-12-2013
10 Simplified material of english for the month of december 2013 S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 02-12-2013
11 Simplified material of english for the month of november S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 16-11-2013
12 Sample questions for quiz october 2013 (english) S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 07-10-2013
13 Simplified letters,paragraphs,stories for the month october 2013 S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 01-10-2013
14 Simplified paragraphs,letters/applications,stories for the month august S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 01-08-2013
15 Regardind block level spelling bee competition S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 18-07-2013
16 Simplified paragraphs,letters/applications,stories for the month july S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 04-07-2013
17 Block level poetry recitation competition S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 21-05-2013
18 English academic calendar 2013-14 S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 20-05-2013
19 General guidelines regarding english S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 10-05-2013
20 Simplified paragraphs,letters,stories for the month may S.S.A. (DRP (ENGLISH)) 09-05-2013
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