E Punjab School

e-Punjab School wins the Award for the Best Education Initiative in Schools at eINDIA 2012

ePunjab School won award at eINDIA 2012
(E-INDIA 2012 AWARD TO PUNJAB EDUCATION PORTAL E-PUNJAB SCHOOL – The Education Portal e-punjab school, has been adorned with E-india award as “Education initiatives in Schools” at National Level. The award was presented in e-lndia Education summit at Hyderabad to Director General School Education Punjab Mr. Kahan Singh Pannu by IT Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr. Poonia Laxami & IT Secretary of Andhra Pradesh, Mr Sanjay Jaju.)


ePunjab School web portal is an online software implemented across about 6,250 middle, high and senior secondary government schools for managing information related to students, teachers, school infrastructure, attendance, financial transactions, etc. The information is updated every month by the school authorities. The portal will soon be implemented across about 13,000 remaining government primary schools.

Modules of ePunjab School web portal

Infrastructure Detail: Information related to school infrastructure, building detail and school facilities are captured under this module. Information of the status of school building, condition of each and every classroom, availability of basic requirements like writing boards, electricity, furniture in a school is also covered. Availability of toilets, drinking water, ramps, computers, etc, is also covered to some extent.

Staff Management: Information related to teaching and non-teaching staff is captured as a part of this module. Every parameter from the date of joining to the retirement of a staff member, and other relevant information as required by various branches of education department has been covered under this module. This information is widely used for rationalisation and transfer of teachers and to access the future requirement of teachers and other staff.


Shiksha Ratna Award 2013 to Mr. Deepak Kumar by S. Sikandar Singh Maluka Edu. Minister, Govt of Punjab

 Portal's initiative was recognised by awarding them at eINDIA
The portal’s initiative was recognised by awarding them at eINDIA
All technical queries in school can be registered online
All technical queries in schools can be registered online
All technical queries can be registered online
All technical queries in schools can be registered online

Infrastructure acroos schoolDetails of infrastructure across schools are managed by the portal


Student Management: This section captures the complete detail of each student in the school. The information is used by various departments to give incentives and other benefits to students under different schemes.

Attendance: Attendance of staff as well as students is marked online on a daily basis. Various analyses are also done based upon attendance information. Real time reports, in this regard, are available at the school, block, district and state levels.

Hardware Complaints: Various types of gadgets like computers, LCDs, K-YANs, and projectors etc. are provided to schools. In case a gadget does not function properly, a complaint can be registered on the web portal. This complaint is by default marked to the concerned district coordinator and the problem is monitored and resolved by the concerned in a time-bound manner. All such problems are not considered solved until and unless it is not confirmed by the school authority.

Teacher’s Grievances Redressal System: A module has been provided with ePunjabSchool web portalwhere teachers can lodge their grievances.Teachers can check the status of their grievances any time. All pending grievances are monitored and reviewed by the
higher authority on a monthly basis.

ePunjab School web portal has been implemented across 6,250 schools in Punjab for managinginformation related to students, teachers, school, etc

Monitoring Unit: The MIS units with all required manpower and hardware/ software support have been well established at the state, district and block levels. Block MIS Coordinator takes care of all the technical queries of school falls under that particular block. Similarly, the District MIS Coordinator monitors the data entry and updation process of ePunjab School information. All data inconsistency removal and analysis are done by the state and district MIS team. Contact numbers and email IDs available on the web portal make communication easy among all concerned working at the state, district, block and school levels.


The way forward

Going forward, this ambitious portal, as a move towards bringing in better transparency in the administration, plans to take teachers’ attendance through SMS, generate online bills for the salary of the teachers and other financial transactions, and also establish a linkage of GIS system with analytical reports of MIS system.


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