U DISE Application


UNIFIED District Information System for Education (U-DISE)
                                        For monitoring activities of Govement’s flagship programme, namely Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), a computerized management information system, namely DISE with school as the unit of data collection and district as the unit of data dissemination has been successfully developed jointly by the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of HRD, Government of India and UNICEF which is under implementation in all the 644 districts spread over 35 States and UTs of the country.
                                      DISE software developed by NUEPA is being used successfully across the country both at the State and District levels. A few states, have decentralized data entry even to the block level. DISE software is timetested, error-free, user friendly and menu-driven software which has no scope for data manipulation and is developed in-house at NUEPA, New Delhi. Necessary modifications have been made in the DISE software, From 2012-13 we meet the requirement of all schools, including Secondary and Higher Secondary schools which are being covered under DISE for the first time. Data Entry of DISE 2012-13, including Secondary and Higher Secondary schools shall take place in the office of district/block SSA with the help of RMSA Officials. Under the DISE, Management Information System Units both at the district and state levels have been established with adequate number of computer professionals and Hardware and Software. DISE has complexly reduced the time-lag in availability of educational statistics in case of elementary level of education from 7-8 year to less than a year at the National and only a few months at the State and District levels and there are no more data-gaps. Comprehensive data is now available at all levels, such as, school, cluster, block, district, state and national levels in ready to use form.
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