General Information


D.E.O. ( S.E.) D.E.O. (E.E.) D.I.E.T. R.M.S.A. S.S.A.

S. No. Title From Date
4101 Regarding higher education of education provider S.S.A. (HR) 21-02-2013
4102 Regarding higher education of education provider S.S.A. (HR) 21-02-2013
4103 Regarding rte S.S.A. (RTE AND SMC) 21-02-2013
4104 Instructions regarding smc work and monthly meetings S.S.A. (RTE AND SMC) 21-02-2013
4105 Wrong e mail in e punjab school S.S.A. (MIS) 21-02-2013
4106 Regarding contract renew of mis co-ordinators and accoutants S.S.A. (HR) 20-02-2013
4107 Defaulters of e punjab school data as on 15-2-13 S.S.A. (MIS) 18-02-2013
4108 Last data for e punjab school is 15-2-2013 S.S.A. (MIS) 13-02-2013
4109 Last date for approval of e punjab school data is extend to 15-feb-2013 S.S.A. (MIS) 12-02-2013
4110 Mapping of schools for e punjab school work S.S.A. (MIS) 05-02-2013
4111 State education summit 2013 S.S.A. (APC FINANCE) 04-02-2013
4112 Updation of data on by 10-02-13 S.S.A. (MIS) 28-01-2013
4113 Republic day duty S.S.A. (MIS) 25-01-2013
4114 17th grant detail of civil works boundary wall and major repair... S.S.A. (APC FINANCE) 23-01-2013
4115 Blank format of hole in herat, cancer and thalassemia students S.S.A. (IED) 22-01-2013
4116 Treatment of children with diseases related to eye, ear and teeth S.S.A. (IED) 21-01-2013
4117 Verification of u-dise data 2012-13 S.S.A. (MIS) 09-01-2013
4118 Reg: using of website/notice board S.S.A. (MIS) 08-01-2013
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